A couple weekends ago, a special friend of mine was having a babyshower. So we went down to LA for the day so that I could go and celebrate with her. Unfortunately I didnt get any photos of the shower, but pulled out the camera later to get some fun shots with the family.
We stayed with Sam's sister, Julia, for the night and hung out with them for the day. Some of the fun things we did while in LA include eating french toast for breakfast, napping (after a very early morning), going out to eat at the mall, eating NZ ice cream for dessert, watching fish in the pond as the sun set, and going to brother Lukas' to swim in his hot tub.
We drove home really early on Sunday morning as we wanted to be at church. And we even made it home early enough for me to put on a roast meal before going to church. I made roast lamb with roasted vegetables for lunch at my parents house to celebrate Mum's birthday. What a day! It was a crazy busy weekend, but it was so much fun. Below are a few of the shots I got...

Sister Jules and cousin Caleb!

Cousin Love....

Chilling in the Stroller

Enjoying New Zealand Ice Cream in California

Watching the Fishes in the Pond

Playing with Grandma

Matching Buddies