Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Modesty Project

Modesty is a not a popular subject to talk about amongst young women today. It conjures up all kinds of negative images and restraint to personal freedoms. In my clothing class, one of the projects that we had to do was formulate our own beliefs about modesty. This project was designed to help a Christian woman think through the issues of modesty and to come away with her own personal definition of what modesty means. After listening to “The soul of modesty” by C.J. Mahaney and “Modesty – does God really care what I wear?” by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, this is the definition of modesty that I am committed to pursuing and promoting for the glory of my Lord and the benefit of my brothers in Christ.

Definition of Modesty

Modesty is more than just what you wear, but a true understanding of modesty will affect what you wear. First, Modesty begins in the heart when a Christian woman realizes that her body is not her own. In 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20, Paul asks, “do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit? You have been bought with a price, so glorify God with your body.” Since we have been bought by the blood of Christ, we are no longer to be conformed to the world in which we live (Rom 12:1-3). The world says that your body is your identity and the way that you feel about your body is equivalent to the way that you feel about yourself. The world also says that you should dress so that people notice you. God says that your body is only temporary and it is fading away (Prov 31:30). If you are saved, your identity and security is in Christ. God says to dress so that people will not notice you but rather Christ who is in you. In 1 Timothy 2:10, Paul desires that women adorn themselves with that which is proper for one who professes godliness.

Secondly, Modesty seeks to serve and love others more than itself. Modesty communicates a soul that longs to please the Lord, a heart that seeks the best interest of the men around her, and a mind that is not preoccupied by the temporal things of this earth. Clothing communicates a lot about what you think of your body, what you think about others, and what you think about God. In Romans 15:1-3, Paul obligate those who are strong to protect those who are weak. Women generally do not have a problem with seeing a little skin, but it is a huge problem for guys. Therefore, we are to put aside our comfort and not live for ourselves, but rather protect our Christian brothers as best we can. Modesty goes hand-in-hand with self-control and self-denial. It takes effort to dress modestly, and to take stock of how you are presenting yourself to the world.

Modesty does not only have to do with the way you dress. You might be covered from head to toe and still be an immodest woman. The Proverbs 31 woman is a modest woman, not because of the way she was dressed. It never gives a description of her physical appearance. She is a modest woman because of the way she treats her family and others around her. She opens her mouth with wisdom and kindness is on her tongue. Her modesty is seen by the way that others react to her. Her husband trusts her, her children call her blessed, and she doesn’t need to call attention to herself, for her works bring her praise.

Modesty is a heart attitude that seeks to please and glorify God while seeking the best interest for others in the way that we dress, think, talk, and act, relate to others, choices we make, and attitudes we display.


Sam VanDyke said...

That's amazing. A wonderful and desciptive definition from a beautiful woman that is an example of just that.

The Leoness said...


What a blessing it is to see your heart for the Lord through your understanding of this topic! It is not often that I encounter a woman that understands the depths of it to the degree that you do. I will pray that you will stand fast in your conviction on this issue as you continue through your life. It's sad, but I have found that most persecution from this issue comes from within the church. Thank you for taking the time to think through this subject and how it applies to you!


P.S. Sam, You are about to become a very blessed man!