On Monday, Sam and I went to the hospital so I could have a check-up and ultrasound. I have known for about a month that I was pregnant, but it really didn't feel real until I saw the heart beating on the monitor. What a wonderful sight that was! We got to see the little peanut (for that is what it looked liked), and it even wiggled for us. Oh, and I am only having one. At least we only saw one baby, and one sac.
We are very excited about this and so thankful to the Lord for such a precious gift.

As to my condition, for those of you who have been wondering...
I have so far been blessed with an easy pregnancy. I have felt a little nauseous at times, but have found that if I keep eating, I can control the nausea. So to say the least, I have been eating a lot.
I have also been very tired. I didn’t realize that I would be so sleepy, so have taken to falling asleep in the afternoons, AND going to bed early.
Thank you for all your prayers! We appreciate them, and are also praying for the safe arrival of this little one, and that it would come to know and love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as we do.