Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Uganda from Nicki's View Sunday-Tuesday

The time here in Uganda has been full to say the least. Since arriving on Saturday, we have had a detailed schedule we have kept. Most of what I have posted has been from my (Sam's) perspective. Yesterday Nicki sent me some of her pictures. Here are some highlights from what Nicki did while I was off doing tree work.

Sunday was our second day here and knowing jet leg takes its toll, the missionaries left the day to be open and restful for us. That said, I was still able to read the 8 Adam Racoon books we brought to the Hurley's children after lunch. Nicki was chatting with Danelle Hurley most the time while I read. Then after reading and lunch we went back to our house and slept a few hours before dinner (jet leg was calling). 

Monday-Friday the Hurley family and the Stapanian family all accepted the challenge to read the book "Live Smart" by Dan Dumas. It is 3-4 chapters a day to complete it this week. Most impressively they have all kept up with the reading! There is about 20 students ages 10-25 that come every morning from 7:30-8:30am as we discuss the chapters. It has been truly a blessed time as these godly young men and women add still more wisdom to their lives. In the discussion they all ask such good questions and offer up the most profound comments. It has been a joy to spend each morning with them. Nicki joins us as well and took the picture. Later on Monday Nicki spent the day at the Hurley's helping with laundry, making fresh bread and helping Danelle and her daughters with chores.

Tina, the Hurley's eldest daughter at home, spent a couple hours giving Nicki a tour of the campus. Construction on the new worship center continues. With 5-6 buildings on the campus all being worked on simultaneously, there is usually 3-4 men working on the worship center each day. You can see they raised up another large section and were getting it lines up to attach.

Tuesday Nicki spent the day with Sarah Stapanian. Part of the day she was at their house making bread and cinnamon rolls. But on Tuesday Sarah has a weekly women's study she leads at a local village. So Nicki walked with them to the village and joined in their study. Most homes grow some sort of crop for an income. Banana trees are everywhere and here is how they dry coffee before they sell it to coffee vendors.

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