Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One Sleepy afternoon....or not!

On the afternoon that we were in LA, we were having a relaxed time in Julia's house. Jules (who is pregnant with her second) and Caleb were taking a nap, Whit was supposed to be taking a nap, and I was trying to have one too. After about 5 minutes of laying down, Sam rescued Whit, who had decided that he wasnt going to sleep, and me, who was dozing despite the noise Whit was making. Well, it didnt take me long to realize that I wasnt going to get much of a nap after all, so while we were waiting for the others to wake up, I whipped out my camera, and got some fun shots of Sam and Whit hanging out together. I realized that since I am the one normally behind the camera, I took the baby and asked Sam to snap some of us playing together. I love these photos...

(This one cracks me up, as it looks like Whit is taking the photo himself!)


Lukas VanDyke said...

I feel like the theme of this post is "our baby"

Kathy J said...

Thanks Nicki, The first one of you with baby is my favorite, he looks grown up and thoughtful! =)

Anonymous said...

oooh, I love the last one.

Love that it looks like Whit is taking the photo... maybe there's a little potential there... :)